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bcn bdayI’m not sure quite how this happened, but sometime between going out to the gym this morning and arriving back home I’d decided that I should go to Barcelona next week for my birthday (!!!). Close followers of casa az (with long memories) may recall that I first went to Barcelona seven years ago to celebrate my 50th birthday. This was all before Twitter and food blogs and whatnot, so although it was a fun and interesting trip, I know I’ll get much more out of it this time round.

So I got home and immediately checked out flights. Ridiculously prohibitive prices. Then I remembered the AVE high-speed train now goes from Sevilla to Barcelona, via Madrid. And it turns out that if I modify my dates a bit I can get there and back again for 140 euros (airfare was double that!). But if I go on my birthday it would be an extra 60 euros. So… if all goes well I shall celebrate my 57th birthday here with cats and friends, then take a day off to pack and whatnot, and then head out to Barcelona the morning of the 9th. It’s a 5 1/2 hour trip, leaving at 9.00 and getting in at 2.30. Just in time for a late snacky lunch. But first I need a hotel!

I checked with Room Mate since I’d had such a nice time at their Málaga Lola Hotel last month, but they don’t have the same great 3-night offer. Then Twitter friend @criadera recommended Market Hotel, and I remembered that my friend Edu @differentspain had also mentioned that one recently. So we got into a Twitter chat and Market Hotel says they’ll get back to me tomorrow. Fingers crossed that I can get a nice room at a reasonable price. Meanwhile… squeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Looks like I’m going to Barcelona!