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Meet Niko.

The little point-and-shoot Casio camera I bought back in December 2007 started fucking up about a month or so ago. Been having to click-cllick-click on the clicky button 5-10 times before the damn thing engages and actually takes a photo, which takes way too long – too many clicks – resulting in many missed moments. And half of them come out blurry. Then the other day I noticed that the moulding was actually coming off the top of it and I had to face the harsh reality of getting a new camera…

Harsh you say? Well yeah. Because anyone following this blog knows I’ve been flat broke and racking up credit card debt ever since I got sick with cancer two years ago. But just like I need to have a working computer at home, I also need a functioning digital camera. I had recently been day-dreaming about getting a real grown-up camera one day, and saw this very sharp looking Olympus a couple of weeks ago. Which to me looked like an “in-between” kind of option. A bit more techy than your basic point-and-shoot, but not as wieldy and complicated as the proper grown-up variety.

But with the Casio dying I realised I needed to find something to replace it that I can easily carry in my bag at all times so that it’s there when I end up spotting an interesting tapas bar or “Sevilla moment” I can take photos on the spot.  And so I did some research yesterday, stopped in at a couple of shops, looked online, asked around … and came up with Niko. A nice little point-and-shoot Nikon with more than twice the cool options than the Casio had (review and specs here). Also there was a special offer going – a package deal including a 4GB memory card and a carrying case.

So what the heck. I now have a new camera. Couldn’t afford it, but really couldn’t be without one. And well, that’s what credit cards are for, right? He’s pretty cool, matte black and kinda sexy, and should last at least a couple of years. But I’m not as excited as I usually am when purchasing a new gadget. This feels more like when I had to replace the washing machine last year, you know? Going to take him out for a test run this afternoon…

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