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margaret atwood quiz
In case there is actually anyone out there who has never read a Margaret Atwood novel, here is a handy quiz to help you know which one you should start with. My result was interesting because I think it’s actually my favourite Atwood novel…

robber brideYou Should Read The Robber Bride
This is the wise, unsettling, drastic story of three women whose lives share a common wound: Zenia, a woman they first met as university students in the sixties. Zenia is smart and beautiful, by turns manipulative, vulnerable – and irresistible. She has entered into their separate lives to ensnare their sympathy, betray their trust, and exploit their weaknesses. Now Zenia, thought dead, has suddenly reappeared. In this richly layered narrative, Atwood skilfully evokes the decades of the past as she retraces three women’s lives, until we are back in the present – where it’s yet to be discovered whether Zenia’s “pure, free-wheeling malevolence” can still wreak havoc. The Robber Bride reports from the farthest reaches of the sex wars and is one of Margaret Atwood’s most intricate and subversive novels yet.

Which Margaret Atwood Novel Should You Read?