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What a wonderful Christmas I’m having! A few months ago Julie & Steve informed me that they had just made plans to come to Sevilla for Christmas, which gave me something to look forward to. We’ve already been out and about this week, and then I planned this mahoosive Christmas Eve dinner, which turned out fabulous (if I say so myself!).

christmas-eve-dinner-16Here is a close up (for Sara) of THOSE confit potatoes from Quality Chop House in London. I have to say they didn’t quite come out the same, but they were pretty damn tasty nevertheless. And I even got some advice from chef Shaun Searly on Twitter, which I thought was very sweet of him.

christmas-eve-16-2After dinner I got out the enchanting Robert Sabuda pop up Christmas books sent to me by Jane many years ago and we all sat, well, enchanted, as we read them together. It was such a lovely evening, lots of fab food, wine and chat. Thanks for coming guys! xx
