
academy lunch (1)

Last week the Academia Sevillana de Gastronomía y Turismo held its “back to school” first event of the new season after summer holidays. Which was also the first one for me as a new member! This took place at the Escuela de Hostelería de Sevilla just over the river in La Cartuja. Only 15 of our 40 members were able to attend (turns out this is typical due to various work commitments) but we had a great time, and of course all three newbies turned up.

Everything was arranged by Iñaki Echeveste, the director of the school, and first we had a tour of their new avocado Avolution Lab where we found out how regional avocados were being produced and used for, well, pretty much anything you can think of, from oils to beauty products. We sampled a few avocado treats from sauces to breads and it was all delicious. What a great initiative, using up every bit of the fruit from skin to stone (as well as the delicious stuff in between).

academy lunch (2)

Then it was time for lunch, which was prepared and served by the hospitality school students. And as you can see, it was impressive to say the least. We enjoyed a welcome vermouth cocktail, followed by Sevilla orange gazpacho, then grilled seabass with espinacas con garbanzos, and solomillo Ibérico with tomato sauce and crispy potatoes topped with a fried quail egg, all accompanied by two regional wines. And then desserts (plural). Really needed that walk back over the river afterwards. Looking forward to future Academy events.