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gastro guts

Well dammit. Woke up yesterday feeling a bit off but didn’t really think much of it. Then at about 2.00 I suddenly had to LIE DOWN and I spent the next 24 hours in bed. It was pretty awful at first with severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, aches and chills, so sleep wasn’t even possible. I finally – and gratefully – dozed off towards dawn.

Anyhow, I am sitting upright once again and, so far, have managed to keep some toast down. Still feeling quite weak but compared to yesterday this is a picnic. Now waiting to see if I can still go to Vinoble on Sunday (so far it’s not Covid but I’ll test again tomorrow). I’ve been looking forward to this since the last one (two years ago) and have two amazing hotels booked (one is free!) so would hate to have to cancel. Fingers crossed!