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Some might say I’m just avoiding WORK for the final SimonSeeks deadline tomorrow, but I prefer to think of it as… well okay, you got me. Of course the other deciding factor here is that Peter & I went to do some supermarket shopping yesterday and found out there was a special offer going on – for every 10 euros we spent we’d get a voucher for 10 euros (redeemable for every 30 euros spent between now and the end of January). So what the hell. We did actually need to stock up and even if we only use half the vouchers, that’s still 30% off every supermarket purchase for the next two months.

Hence, we ended up with ALL THIS FOOD that needed to be cooked and then frozen (the majority of these dishes will end up being Peter’s frozen lunch options). So we made up a spinach, bacon & mushroom risotto yesterday, and today a meaty bolognese and those fabby lentils & sausages. Tomorrow there’s a pork & veg stew to do as well.

But now that everything is nicely simmering away it’s time to bite the bullet and get the last of my SimonSeeks articles up. I mean, they’re all mostly done, so why is it so hard to finish them?? Wish me luck!