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staycation 24

Am considering not doing any tapas tours in July (August is already booked off – way too hot!). I can’t actually afford to do this but as I’m also not going on holiday my (somewhat warped) logic is that the money I’m not spending on a holiday I also can’t afford might help pay for a two-month staycation.

Well almost two months. I have a couple of tours booked early July, but I’ve been thinking… what if I had (almost) two months to just focus on other things? I’ve been dithering about The Next Step(s) ever since I realised I needed to diversify and not just rely on the tapas tours for income, but it feels like I’ve been pivoting so long I’m really just going around in circles. So maybe a reboot would help?

I’ve never been a “go on holidays” type of person anyhow, short getaways are more my style. Mostly due to finances but also because I don’t really enjoy being away from home for a long time. I love where I live and enjoy my day to day life. But I’ve also never had an extended period of time to just… BE (well other than when sick with cancer and during covid lockdown, which don’t really count).

I mean, I’d still keep up with my websites, visit tapas bars, and visit all you guys here. I just think it would be nice to feel like I didn’t have to do something, or be somewhere, on a schedule. Feeling more relaxed just thinking about it. What are you doing this summer?