
Yesterday I finally got around to asking Raincoaster about the snazzy social networking icons she has on her posts. And she gave me the scoop on Get Social.

GetSocial is made especially for bloggers. It automatically generates a (specially designed) social bookmarking toolbar for each one of your posts. This is a 100% scriptless way to create social bookmarking links, which makes it a perfect solution for users. It is also based on a 3 step wizard interface which is very friendly and easy to use. Oh, and it’s 100% free!

So I am now adding Get Social icons to my posts and have back-dated them to August 1st. Which took more time than I would like to admit. But doing it on a daily basis takes no time at all. Anyhow, what do you think? Cute? Garish? Have no idea what to do with them?

Must start doing shortlinks from now on…

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