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fundacion cruzcampo

Today the Gastro Guías executive committee (don’t we sound posh!) met with Paco Ybarra and Claudia Guardiola from the Cruzcampo Foundation to to talk about possible workshops or courses that might be possible for our guides. Paco is the head chef of the foundation’s cooking school and Claudia is the foundation manager. It was a great meeting and we came away with so many ideas and, more importantly, we made another great contact that is keen on helping our association.

I mean, I already know Paco because he is also with the Academia Sevillana de Gastronomía y Turismo (we were both accepted as members at the same time last year) but I was surprised to discover Claudia is the sister of Jaime and Eduardo, both of whom I’ve known for ages. Really love the connections.

Step by step. I know we are going somewhere with this. I also know it’s been a steep learning curve for all four of us founding members and that in spite of some ups and downs we work very well together. Really proud to be a part of this whole adventure.