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Well look at these sexy fuckers. Can I tell you? I’ve been looking for a compression knee sleeve since last year when my left knee gave out on me big time in May 2023 (now both knees are fucked). Could I find one? Well obviously no I couldn’t (or I wouldn’t be posting this now). All the ones I tried out cut off all circulation in a matter of seconds and then proceeded to just roll down my leg when I tried to walk.

Why? Because… legs too fat! Or so I was told. I didn’t fit into the acceptable size range, even the biggest XXX ones. And, while I acknowledge being fat I also know there are way fatter people out there. I mean, what do they do? Considering that many people with knee problems probably also have weight issues… wouldn’t there be a market for this?

It’s all been terribly discouraging because everyone tells me how wearing the sleeve makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE in pain relief. And since I have been denied any useful help from the various doctors I’ve seen lately  I’m kind of on my own. Been using an anti-inflammatory cream, been doing my chair yoga/pilates, and I keep on walking. But dammit it hurts.

And then these ones suddenly popped up on my Amazon page (while I was actually shopping for something else) and I thought… wait a minute, those look like they might actually work. The measurements were in keeping with mine, so I decided to give it a go. And so far… I can actually get it on. Will let you know how it goes.