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malaga tuesday
Woke up this morning with a very cuddly Morcilla purring all over the place. I think she misses her playmates a bit and has become a bit clingy here, so I’m giving her lots of extra attention. Then while I was having coffee and having a look online I got a message from twitter pal David @IrlandesnMalaga about maybe meeting up today, something we never managed to do the last time I was here. And it was looking like we might not manage it this time as David kept suggesting early morning coffee somewhere since he is busy in the afternoons but – you know – I’m on holiday! And my lazy slow mornings are so lovely…

Finally David reorganised his schedule so we could meet at noon for a “quick beer” and a chat, which ended up stretching out for almost four hours and included a walk over to the market for some seafood at Cafe-Bar Atarazanas after we’d had some snacks at my “local” bar Los Gatos. David brought along his rescue pup Nina, who is such a sweetie. Her background is a sad one, first with an abusive owner, then spending two years at a shelter, before David took her home. And you can tell she is well-loved and happy now, lucky girl.

Anyhow, David and I were trying to figure out when we first met and turns out it was three years ago, one of the times I was here doing some work for the Málaga winery. Three years! So we had a nice time catching up and sharing all our news. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Twitter? I mean, yesterday I’d stopped in at Los Gatos for a quick beer before lunch and suddenly got a tweet from Mark & Jo saying they were in town shopping and that I should stay put – five minutes later they met me for a quick drink and visit before they had to head home to Estepa! And most of this week will also be filled with going out with friends I mostly met on Twitter. Nice.

Now I think I’ll take an evening stroll and stop for a tapita somewhere. It’s supposed to get all stormy here this week so I want to get out as much as possible while the lovely warm (but not too hot) weather holds.

What did you do today?